More Sexual Satisfaction From Breastfeeding My Son Enjoy every positive and sensual feeling you derive from suckling your child.
Lost My Orgasm After I Gave Birth It's essential that we don't compare what's happening now to what happened in the past.
Love to Perform Oral Sex on My Girlfriend When She's Very Musky I've also had a few lovers that adored a musky pussy.
I Feel Nothing During Penetration Our pleasure repressed society thanks to most organized religions puts a huge emphasis on vaginal intercourse.
How Can I Get Myself Turned On Enough to Stay Wet? When we aren't wet due to nerves or whatever, always use some kind of organic massage oil for all manual touching of genitals.
Are There Any Exercises to Loosen Up for Sex? Climb out of your "Olympic pool of olive oil" and tune into your your clitoris.
I'm in High School & Very Sexual...How Do I Stop Being So Horny? You would get more out of masturbation by doing it less and spending more time "edging" or holding off your orgasm.