My Bodysex Research During lockdown, I took Bodysex virtual and worked with 400 women in 40 countries. These are my findings crunched by the Kinsey Institute.
Betty Draws the Internal Clitoris The Clitoris continues inside the body...Betty's drawing is perfection.
The Basic Structures of Your Vulva Here is my vulva and some simple anatomy for your use and viewing pleasure.
Learn a New Orgasm: How to Upgrade Your Masturbation Technique How you masturbate is how you have partner sex. This article describes the types of orgasm and how you can enhance your pleasure alone and with a partner.
A Woman's Erection Needs 20-30 Minutes of Adequate Clitoral Stimulation Women get erections just like men but they're internal. With adequate clitoral stimulation - direct or indirect - we can experience multiple orgasms.
Betty's Rock 'n Roll Orgasms Technique Betty's uses this technique in her private practice and we teach it in our Bodysex workshops.
Awakening the Clitoris This article is for women with both numb and hypersensitive clitorises. With a simple clit workout, you can get to full pleasure.
The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm by Anne Koedt This is a must-read feminist classic. Feminists established the clitoris as a woman's primary sex organ back in the 70's.
"Clitoris" Trends with the Release of Liberating Masturbation Betty Dodson and third wave feminists reestablished the clitoris as a woman's primary sex organ.