Post-Abuse My Vagina is Chronically Tight & Dry All women need to learn how to "run the fuck" and control penetration.
Menstrual Cup = Tighter/Wetter Vag I love my menstrual cup. You can buy them on amazon. Changes your life.
My Vagina is Dry Even When I Masturbate Even when your natural lubrication returns, I recommend using additional lube because it feels so great.
Is it Normal to Bleed After Penetration? His fingering was enough to cause little vaginal tears as he had no idea what he was doing.
Is It Normal For Your Vaginal Juice to Taste Lemony? A healthy Vagina is always acidic so the lemony flavor is natural.
How Do I Accept My Post-Birth Vagina? As you adjust to your new body and reconstructed vagina, your clitoris that has been there along will now get the attention she's longed for.
Sometimes When I Penetrate My Vagina I See White Stuff Our vaginas naturally have mucous inside that changes with our menstrual periods and diet.