Can You Permanently Desensitize Your Clitoris? Leave your clitoris alone for a while and she'll heal up.
My Go To "Trick" for Orgasm If you want to increase the intensity of your orgasms, edging - getting in front of an orgasm and holding back - will do the trick.
The Variation of Clitoral Hoods No two clitoral hoods look the same. Ultimately, your clitoral hood is the male equivalent of foreskin.
Think I Developed Extra Skin on My Clitoral Hood From Masturbating Your body can develop extra skin in response to stimulation. Enjoy her beauty.
Did I Vibrate My Nerve Endings to Death? You can overstimulate your clitoris with a vibrator but she will heal. Vibrators should be constantly moving - no pushing in on clitty.
Dealing with Extreme Vaginal Pain & My Clitoris Feels Dead You're using sex to torture yourself. Become a celibate priestess for a week or two.
I Feel Pleasure Then Nothing You have to trust your body that it knows how to orgasm and learn how to create sexual energy.