When Women are Disconnected from Themselves They have Disconnected Partner Sex It is time to redirect the focus on cultivating our sexual relationship with ourselves.
It's Not About the Orgasm Bodysex is the elixir and we'll do workshops for as long as Betty wants to and I'm here to assist.
There is More Wisdom in Your Body Than in Your Deepest Philosophy We worked on learning to listen to ourselves, to our intuition, to our instinct, to our deep internal and ancient feminine wisdom.
The Power of the Group Guided the Perfect Experience for All of Us The power of the group guided the perfect experience for all of us.
If You Look For The Light, The Light Is What You’ll Find The day before this past weekend’s Body Sex Retreat I was emotional and weepy —overwhelmed with the realization that this is really the path I’m on.
Raising Happy, Grounded Self-Sexual Sons The best mom advice: Learn to Say Fuck Off. You can raise a healthy, happy, feminist son.
Pleasure is Learned Pleasure is a new sensation for most women. Practice stimulation your body with an open mind.
We Were Active Participants In Our Own Pleasure Bodysex is about letting go of shame and celebrating pleasure.
Do You Consider Sexual Satisfaction & Sexual Pleasure to be Different Constructs, & Why? For me, there's a HUGE difference between "satisfaction" and "pleasure."