Is My Clitoris Damaged from Leaning on Furniture? Your clitoris will heal. Time to upgrade your masturbation technique.
When I Touch My Clitoris It Isn't Sensitive You can resensitize your clitoris to lighter stimulation but if your vibe works...
Since Antibiotics My Clit is Sore STOP taking antibiotics! The next time you get a UTI, use D - Mannose Powder.
The Simulation Feels So Intense that I Have to Push Him/Myself Away That hyper sensitivity in you clit usually means you have just had a small orgasm.
21 Year Old Virgin with Vibrator Problems I think you had a fast come but didn't recognize it, and that's when clitty shuts down to recover after firing off all 8,000 nerve endings.
FGM Survivor Trying to Achieve Orgasm With the Love of My Life Women have an internal clitoris that can be stimulated post-trauma to achieve orgasm.
My Clitoris Burns When I Touch It That burning sensation is signalling the stimulation is too strong and too direct on a sensitive organ with 8,000 nerve endings.
If They Partially Remove Your Clitoris Can You Still Orgasm? Women have an internal clitoral system so you may be able to achieve orgasm depending on the type of FGM.