If You Look For The Light, The Light Is What You’ll Find The day before this past weekend’s Body Sex Retreat I was emotional and weepy —overwhelmed with the realization that this is really the path I’m on.
We Were Active Participants In Our Own Pleasure Bodysex is about letting go of shame and celebrating pleasure.
Getting Naked Helped Us Heal I will not sacrifice my dream for another person or let go when life is hard and doubt knocks. Feeling that as truth in my body was such a comfort.
I Needed to Get Back to Our Bodysex Routine This was the workshop where I got my vagina back...and so did the woman next to me. Thank you, sisterhood.
I Held to the Idea That Pleasure Heals Two weeks ago I ran my third Bodysex Workshop in Mexico City and it was just amazing.
Bodysex Taught Me We All Fear Not Being Enough To grow we must lay down our masks and surrender to our authentic selves.
This Bodysex Weekend I Journeyed Deeper Into My Inner Spiral It has been said that a person needs to travel deep inside themselves in order to find the place where their sexuality lies.
The Word that Came to Mind was Friendship One of the most erotic experiences I've ever had happened in this circle.