My Vagina is Dry Even When I Masturbate

I am a 17 year old super virgin. I've never made out w a guy or even done anything sexually w one either. However, I do masturbate. I don't think I've ever had an orgasm but I also don't masturbate often. Recently I've been having trouble w the lubrication of my vagina. I never had a problem w getting or staying wet before ever.
Now I've noticed that my vagina is much more dryer than usual and I cannot stay wet when I masturbate. I did a bit of research but I am still baffled and conceded. I think it may be because I was on an acne medication called acutane for about over 6 months. I'm worried that if I do get w a guy I won't be able to get wet or stay wet.
I have no clue what's going on. Do you have any idea or suggestions? Anything would be helpful. Thanks :)
Dear J,
It's the med you're taking that's causing this. Just Google Acutane and read the list of side affects. Meantime simply use some kind of lubrication preferably an organic massage oil without any chemicals added.
Even when your natural lubrication returns, I recommend using additional lube just because it feels so great. Sexually sophisticated people consider it the first sexual enhancement item to include in their toy chest.
Dr. Betty