My 2 Year Old Tugs on His Penis. Grandma Saw It & Scolded Him

Thanks for talking with me on the phone today. I thought of another question later in the day.
My 2-year-old son is constantly tugging on his penis when he's not wearing a diaper. My husband and I simply ignore it. (Can you believe my son's grandmother scolded him? I thought I was prude!)
I have the mind to be very sexually open. But I carry a lot of inhibitions that were passed on to me. I want to be supportive of my son's exploration, but not have a chat where he can repeat what I've said, while checking out at the grocery store.
My daughter is an infant, and I'm especially hoping to support her too. I wish my sexual awakening had happened when I was younger. I wish wasn't made to feel so ashamed.
Thanks so much for this site. It's empowering.
Dear A,
It's time for you to scold your son's grandmother! Tell her both you and your husband support your son's exploration of his penis. Granny must NOT interfere nor is she to ever scold him again! Be firm. So glad you are empowered by the website. Pass on our sex positive information to your girlfriends.
Dr. Betty