That is the Real Power of Pleasure -- It's Ours Freeing our bodies our sex, our orgasm, our pleasure allows us to see reality clearly.
Post-Abuse My Vagina is Chronically Tight & Dry All women need to learn how to "run the fuck" and control penetration.
I Find Myself Repressing My Desire to be Sexual Because It's Not Proper So go ahead and give yourself permission to have protected sex with as many men as you like.
I Feel Weird Fantasizing About Someone Else When I'm with My Spouse There are no thought's normal to look outside your relationship for inspiration.
“I’m Here Because Of My Lineage. The Shame Ends Today” Full of sexual energy and inspired by the visions and sounds of women in pleasure around me, I brought myself to orgasm over and over.
If I Met Him in a Fetish Club, Does He Have a STD? Anyone in some kind of sexual club will most likely be safe due to multiple partners.
I Don't Understand Why I Don't Like Being Touched Massive doses of self love and masturbating to orgasm is advised.
How Can I Relax & Embrace Pleasure During Pregnancy? Masturbation and stimulating your own clitoris during intercourse will get you to orgasm every time.