Where did This Idea that the Penis is the Sole Instrument of Pleasure for Women Come From? I always recommend that each woman takes control of her own clitoris just like guys control their penises in the way they fuck.
I'm Unable to Climax Without a Vibrator If you want to continue to grow sexually with or without a vibrator, you cannot give up on yourself.
My Boyfriend Doesn't Treat Me as an Equal in the Bedroom? Start a conversation outside of the bedroom
How Do I Move Past the Idea of Sex as Currency? Before partner sex, women should penetrate their own vagina and enjoy regular orgasms.
I Want to Orgasm From a Penis Most women need clitoral stimulation to orgasm. If you stimulate your clitoris during penetration, you can orgasm from their penis.
Why is Doggy Style Uncomfortable Sometimes but Not Other Times? They're hitting your cervix. Add a pillow...change the angle or jump on top
How Do You Transfer What You Might Like in Oral Sex into Partner Sex? Use your relaxed tongue on his arm to show him what would feel better.
Why Do I Pull Away From Clitoral Stimulation? BEST solution: Do your own clitoris during sex with a partner.
Masturbation Saved Our Marriage I believe you and your beloved wife have developed an excellent sexual solution.