Betty Dodson's Orgasm MasterClass Part I

We put together this Orgasm Masterclass to break down everything you need to know to enjoy a fulfilling sex life. Included are two clips detailing Genital Show & Tell and Betty's Rock 'n Roll Orgasm Technique.

Running Time 48:26

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This is the video I decided to watch first & it's awesome! Thank you ladies for all you do for women!!!



Omg Betty! You are so funny and I love you so much! I would love to meet you! Starting my vulva journey at 24 and will have the most amazing relationship with her. It’s a shame that adults same the sex organ when we are children because like you said you avoid the vulva and feel shame when you touch her! I learned that when you reject the vulva and sex you reject the self and not having that connection with yourself is absolute hell. It’s so miserable. So happy I have found you! ❤️ Can’t wait to see where all of this knowledge and sex positivity takes me.