
Is My Clitoris Too Small to Orgasm?

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Betty Dodson

Dear Dr. Betty,

I've been married for 10 years, my husband has tried oral and manual stimulation, but I've never been able to orgasm. I have either a very small, or non-existant clitoral gland, so is there any hope? If there is nothing there to stimulate - how can I orgasm. The only good stimulation I've received is through fairly intense water jet power. Any suggestions are welcome.

Dear D,

Your lack of orgasm has nothing to do with the size of your clitoris. Now would be a good time for you to use our website, books and videos to learn about female sexual response. The way to proceed is by exploring your own body through self-stimulation. Learning about the female genitals to understand that the clitoral glans is just the tip of the iceberg. Search for the internal clitoris. Read First Time Orgasm and get a vibrator for your selfloving practice. It's up to you not your husband to discover your orgasm. Once that happens, then you can share it with him.

Dr. Betty


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