Together 9 Years. Looking to Open Our Relationship Perhaps some kind of sexual retreat where both of you can experiment with multiple partners within view of each other would help.
What's Your Opinion on Sexless Marriages? I say the days of the sexual double standard are over for women who are willing to call it.
Am I Polyamorous or Just Uninspired? In my opinion, 21 is too young to "settle-down" in a monogamous relationship.
Open Relationships Have Always Added to Our Life Monogamy is based on religious ideology - not reality.
How Do I Reclaim My Individual Sexuality? First establish a sexual relationship with yourself through solo sex.
Nervous About Threesome Because They're More Experienced Asking how she likes to have her clitoris touched is a winner in my books.
Is the Intimacy of My Marriage Killing My Orgasms? You are perfectly normal or a better term is "healthy."
How Can I Get My Confidence Back After His Infidelity? First you must forgive yourself for being honest and expecting the same in return.
How Do You Control Your Hormones with Multiple Partners? First time sex with a partner where you also have your first orgasm with him or her is quite emotional.
How Can I Ever Come To Understand Polyamory? The thing that I admire about poly is the honesty of admitting most people want more than one significant lover in a lifetime.