Since Antibiotics My Clit is Sore

Dear Dr. Betty,
I've been with my partner now for about a year and a half. When we met it was complete passion through and through. But now I don't feel aroused by anything anymore. It takes me a long time to get worked up and I'm always in my head during sex it seems.
I've had about 6-8 UTI's within the last year and have been on antibiotics to treat them all. I became sick on a number of them but have now seemed to clear them all away. Unfortunately ever since all my antibiotics, my clitoris is sore whenever my partner attempts to touch it. This never used to be the case, I used to love when he did so.
Also, I have always been a very sexual person but lately I am not aroused by much. I do not have sexual fantasies anymore and almost never feel an urge to masturbate like I used to daily. I can't tell if this is because of the antibiotics, stress or maybe my birth control?
What is your suggestion? This is weighing heavily on my mind and my relationship and I don't know what to do about it now.
Please help.
Dear T,
STOP taking antibiotics! The next time you get a UTI, use D - Mannose Powder. You can order it from PipingRock.com This is a powder that you take with water that basically flushes out the urinary tract. Google UTI's and get more ideas on how to avoid them. Anal sex is often a problem and be sure to pee after every time you have vaginal sex (urine is an antiseptic). Drink lots of water. You more or less named your problem...{antibiotics, stress or maybe my birth control)? It's a known fact that the Pill lowers our sexual interest. Any woman who really likes sex can learn to use the diaphragm or get the IUD without hormones.
As for your BF doing your clit, you take over and always apply LOTS of organic massage oil before you touch her. Be gentle and she will respond once again.
This is just a temporary set back and desire will return when your health returns and you flush out the ANTI-body meds. Doctors give out antibiotics like they are gumdrops. For me they are only for something VERY serious. Otherwise find a solution in alternative approaches to health and healing for a life time of happy orgasms. Basically the body heals the body given the right nutrition.
Dr. Betty