Almost Every Time I Receive Oral Sex My Legs Start to Tremble

Hi Betty,
I have a doubt since long and I think you might help me. Almost every time I recieve oral sex my legs start to tremble and it´s kind of never stopping. I mean how can I realize that I have finished? Do I have to stay longer? I always end in telling my partner to stop cause I can't control it.
XOXO, love your page
Dear M,
The trembling usually means you are about to have an orgasm or you've just had one and are experiencing after shocks of pleasure that will continue as long as you are getting good clitoral stimulation.
A woman can even focus her attention and go for a second and third orgasm. You can learn about all of this practicing masturbation alone on a regular basis. jGo into the website and keep reading to inform yourself about female sexuality. Happy O's,
Dr. Betty