
After Sex, I Get Intense Pain Running From My Backside to My Knees

Profile picture for user Betty Dodson

Betty Dodson

Dear Betty,

So happy to have found your site! Am having fun and learning a lot...

Have been having an... Issue... And can't find helpful info anywhere. About three to five minutes after sex, i get intense pain from my lower butt to the back of my knees. It's kind of like muscle cramps, but different. Deeper, and no amount of massage helps. Sitting or lying down helps, and I usually fall asleep anyway, but if I have sex during the day I have this pain for hours and can hardly walk.

No other symptoms. Sex with hubby, monogamous for ten years. Problem started some time after birth of first daughter (now four), continued thru and after pregnancy with second (now one). Always happens if there is penetration, no matter the position. I mentioned to gyno, who thought it was "interesting" and recommended acupuncture or similar bodywork.

Any advice? This is really starting to be a drag! Many, many thanks!

Dear K,

First off, I suggest you don't have sex during the day. Especially since you are able to fall asleep and the cramps disappear, it appears that relaxation is the temporary cure. If you observe how you are using your pelvic floor muscles during penetration sex it might help. Did you do Kegel exercises before or after giving birth? Check out my info under Betty's Vaginal Barbell. Keeping those muscles toned if they are lax or relaxing them if they are chronically tight are both very important.

At least your GYN was smart enough to recommend alternative healing modes. Far too many go for surgery. I love all of the massage therapies, yoga and acupuncture and take advantage of them all. But in the end, I believe we are our own best doctors. Let me know what you discover.

Dr. Betty