The Basic Structures of Your Vulva Here is my vulva and some simple anatomy for your use and viewing pleasure.
If They Partially Remove Your Clitoris Can You Still Orgasm? Women have an internal clitoral system so you may be able to achieve orgasm depending on the type of FGM.
My Clitoris was Removed. Sex is Painful. There is surgery to remove scar tissue. For now, stop suffering painful sex.
A Private Session with a Victim of Female Genital Mutilation Betty had a private session with a Kenyan woman who had been the victim of FGM as a young girl. Fingers-crossed, we headed into genital show & tell and everything shifted.
Betty's Response to the Vagina Monologues Betty's feminist classic Liberating Masturbation was the inspiration for the VM. It only we celebrated pleasure as much as tragedy.