Deep Penetration Hurts After First Child When some aspect of penetration sex is painful, don't do it.
How Can I Relax & Embrace Pleasure During Pregnancy? Masturbation and stimulating your own clitoris during intercourse will get you to orgasm every time.
How Do I Transition From the Barbell to Full Penetration? Penetration is a skill and you can work up to full penetration with a penis.
Dealing with Extreme Vaginal Pain & My Clitoris Feels Dead You're using sex to torture yourself. Become a celibate priestess for a week or two.
Is My Hymen Still Intact After Tampons? Any time we penetrate our vaginas whether it be a finger, penis or tampon, the item should be lubricated with saliva or some kind of organic oil.
Is It Wrong That I'm a 30 Year Old Virgin? It's my belief that If you have masturbated to orgasm you are no longer a virgin!
Working Through Painful Penetration You have to masturbate daily and move through pain, discomfort, and numbness before you get to pleasure.
We Understand Very Little of What is ‘Normal’ for Women When It Comes to Sexuality Every woman with an intact clitoris can orgasm. We create sexual desire by arousing our genitals.
FGM Survivor Trying to Achieve Orgasm With the Love of My Life Women have an internal clitoris that can be stimulated post-trauma to achieve orgasm.