I Think I Numbed Out My Clit with My Hitachi You can retrain your clitoris to orgasm with less intense stimulation OR you can bring your vibe to partner sex.
Is My Clitoris Too Small to Orgasm? Every clitoris has 8,000 nerve endings. Size doesn't matter at all.
Did I Damage My Clitoris with Electric Toothbrush? Actually you have sensitized your clitoris by stimulating it on a regular basis.
I Can't Find My Clitoris All women have a clitoris. Time to get out a mirror/a good light and look at your vulva.
Lost All Feeling in My Clitoris As we age, our orgasms change. Be flexible...keep masturbating...and find a sex coach
How Can I Keep My Vagina Lubricated? I always recommend using additional lubrication for all forms of penetration.
Can Only Orgasm From Rough Clit Play You can upgrade your masturbation technique to orgasm from a lighter touch/stimulation.
Since Using Vibrator, Can't Orgasm During Oral/Manual Sex So why would it matter if you use a vibe while you're fucking?
I Don't Want to Have to Teach a Man How to Stimulate My Clit It's up to us to explain that and not expect them to read our minds.