I'm Céline Manon a certified Bodysex facilitator based in Germany.
I offer virtual one on one coaching in the Betty Dodson method. As soon as possible and safe I want to offer in person Bodysex workshops and retreats.
I'm a pleasure-positive being! I am open-minded, highly compassionate, a lifelong learner, and an activist for a more caring world. I believe that we are our own expert. We are our own healer. What we need is a safe space and support to be able to create a life in pleasure and freedom. I'm here to support you along the way.
I was born in 1987 and grew up in a nontraditional, artist family. In my family the pursuit of pleasure had a high value. Growing up between the U.S.A and Germany, I experienced two very different cultures and their values. But I never belonged – I was an outsider.
I found Betty’s work at the age of 24. I had just begun my own journey to create a life worth living. Being highly sensitive in this world can be exhausting and scary. At the time I was at a crossroad in my life. I had hit rock bottom and was slowly picking up the million pieces I was scattered in.
When I was reading about the Bodysex circles I had this vision of me leading a Bodysex circle. I felt I was called to become a Bodysex leader. To be able to do this work, I knew that I had to choose pleasure in my own life and that I had to begin to walk the path of healing. And I did.
Sex is not seen as a skill in our society that is worth developing and refining. But the intimate relationship you have with yourself ripples out into all of your life. Betty Dodson said: ‘We are born with ourselves and we will die with ourselves. We therefore might as well be our best lover.’ The principle of Bodysex is to share your own experience first person. How do you feel about your body and how do you feel about your orgasm. This principle drew my heart and attention instantly to Bodysex.
Experience pleasure on your own terms.
Independent orgasm.
Sexual freedom. Equality. Are you ready?
Languages: English and German
Webpage: http://www.memamo-coaching.com/