Amy W

Amy is running a 6-part virtual Bodysex series starting 2/20/21.  For more information, click here

To see and to believe in your own beauty. This is the gift I wish to share. Be your best sexual self. And welcome to a judgment-free sex-positive space!

Like some of you, I’ve struggled. I never liked my body; I actively loathed it. My poor body image generated a deep, insidious shame. This kind of shame makes you feel unworthy, like if you exposed it people would run - screaming! All shame is like this. It prevents us from fully living. When I learned how to embrace myself, to believe in my own beauty, to feel deserving of orgasm, my sex life changed. My whole life changed! Yours will too!

As a certified Betty Dodson Bodysex Facilitator, Orgasm Coach, and Somatic Sex Educator, my life goal is to empower people to live fully and joyfully in our bodies. Tapping into our sensuality and letting go of culturally induced shame, trauma and repression are often crucial steps to embracing pleasure more fully and to living a sexually fulfilling life.

I am honored and thrilled to lead Bodysex workshops just outside Portland, Oregon. I also provide private coaching. Both are designed to help people of all shapes, sizes, genders, orientations & relationship styles gain sexual confidence, ask for & get what you want, and have the sex life you deserve!

For more information or to join me, please see or reach out to I look forward to welcoming you!


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We worked on learning to listen to ourselves, to our intuition, to our instinct, to our deep internal and ancient feminine wisdom.
The truth was, I didn’t know what I liked and I didn’t fantasize.
To see and to believe in your own beauty. To feel confident and sexy. To feel desired and desirous. This is the gift Betty Dodson has given me.