To a Robust Sex Life with Nearly 40 years of Edging Orgasms & Semen Retention
I consider myself very fortunate to be approaching midway into my sixth decade on this planet with all my vitals in remarkably good condition. My doctor recently said I have the blood pressure of a teenager, my mother lauds me for having the body of a twenty-something, and my wife has latched on to my rigorous gym regimen and is looking absolutely marvelous.
Many aspects of my life contribute to this well-being: a loving marriage with a beautiful woman and mother of our son who’s brimming with health, intelligence, a heart of gold and promising future; diet, healthy lifestyle, positive mindset…yea, I could check off a lot of the factors typically associated with promoting longevity. Of course, I wouldn’t want to leave out a robust sex life with nearly 40 years of edging orgasms and semen retention.
I am a rogue sex gourmand vilified in some circles for violating natural sexual etiquette and questioning the status quo’s vehement stance on the benefits of consummating all our sex acts with full body orgasms-ejaculation. I am also praised by some who have undergone profound changes in their physical, mental, and spiritual health as a result of incorporating edging and sexual continence in their lives.
I wrote the book, The Rejuvenating Power of Masturbation, in 2011 to highlight parallels between Eastern mysticism and modern medicine concerning our innate sexual generative potentials. However, while ancient Taoist and Hindu sexual doctrines purport that sex can be a pathway to longevity, even immortality, today’s doctors and researchers have been reticent to support this claim. Nevertheless, I think I may have uncovered something that may cause more than our eyebrows to raise…
There’s a new kid in town proclaiming to have the key to our longevity, maybe even our immortality. She’s racked up a lot of support from the medical, scientific, and Big Pharma communities and soon may appear at your local CVS. She is being heralded as a CEO of all life enterprises on Earth and entrusted with guaranteeing our survival. She joyfully inhabits the sex glands where she meticulously cares for sperm and egg, but, irk her with poor lifestyle antics, and she might conjure a most horrid demise. Sounds like a demigoddess. Her name you ask? Telomerase, also known as the dominatrix celeb servicing telomeres(oh how she loves to tie them up, whip them into shape, and…).
Telomeres are tips on the ends of chromosomes like the plastic tips on shoelaces that keep the ends from fraying and sticking to each other. The problem is that each time a cell divides the telomere tips get shorter. When they get too short, the cell can no longer divide; it becomes inactive- "senescent" or it dies. This shortening process is associated with aging, cancer, and a higher risk of death. Enter our genetic dominatrix- Telomerase.
Telomerase (an enzyme) adeptly assesses damage, repairs, and maintains the tattered ends of telomeres, and by doing so, she oversees our survival and wields the power to confer immortality to cells. Telomerase is most expressed and active in fetal tissue, sperm and egg cells, and tumors. In most of the rest of our body cells, Telomerase doesn’t do much, so over time the telomeres grow shorter, cells age and eventually die.
I’ve been looking over natural ways to activate Telomerase including dosing up vitamin A, B, D, and K intake, more probiotics, anti-oxidants, and omega-3’s. Big Pharma is looking to cash in on Astralagus, an ancient Chinese herb. Intermittent fasting and high-intensity exercise also seem to suit Telomerase’s appetite. What about sex? Now things get interesting.
Sex glands are the center of operations for Telomerase and they also fabricate vital hormones for our overall health. Telomerase seems to have a sweet tooth for sex hormones which activate her even in other parts of the body such as bone marrow and certain immune system agents. This seems to indicate further evidence that sex can have generative potentials contributing to our longevity. By stimulating sex hormone production through solo and paired sex, might we be coaxing Telomerase to canvass more areas of our body with her miraculous powers?
I can almost hear ancient Taoist and Hindu sexologists happily chanting, ‘Use it and you will never wear out!’