Could Masturbation Cause Bacterial Vaginosis? I seriously doubt this is caused by masturbation unless you are doing penetration with a dildo that is not a quality silicon rubber.
Can Using Oil Based Lubricant Cause Bacterial Infections? I feel any cold pressed oil like grape seed, apricot, avocado are all good to use as lubricants.
Every Time I Have Sex My Cervix Bleeds Anytime something bleeds on a regular basis other than your period indicates something is out of whack.
How Can I Keep My Vagina Lubricated? I always recommend using additional lubrication for all forms of penetration.
Is It a Vaginal Infection Or Is It All In My Mind? BV is a broad category that includes yeast overgrowths, the most common problem for modern vaginas due to the amount of sugar consumed.
Can't Fit the Head of My Boyfriend's Penis in My Vagina It sounds to me as though you might be dealing with a stubborn hymen that might be especially thick.